Help! tell plz as Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird, Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka eReader download online ebay itunes

Help! tell plz as Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird, Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka eReader download online ebay itunes

Help! tell plz as Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird, Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka eReader download online ebay itunes

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Book description
Following the startling events of New Krypton, Earth finds itself without its greatest protector - Superman! And this World Without Superman is a very dangerous place, indeed. The only thing standing between the good (and not so good) folks of Earth and an impending shadow of doom are the all-new Nightwing and Flamebird! But who are these two heroes who have taken their names from legends of Kryptons past? Read on to find out as Eisner Award-winning writer Greg Rucka (FINAL CRISIS: REVELATIONS) teams with rising star Eddy Barrows (TEEN TITANS) to kick off a bold new era for The Man of Steel!
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