Help! tell plz as Stripes of All Types by Susan Stockdale (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

Help! tell plz as Stripes of All Types by Susan Stockdale (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

Help! tell plz as Stripes of All Types by Susan Stockdale (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

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Book description
1. Twin Text - Violet Mackerels Natural Habitat by Anna Bradford - 2013.2. Rationale - Stripes of All Types shows children different types of animals that have stripes and in one of its text features at the end of the book, discusses how the stripes help the animal fit in to its natural habitat. In Violet Mackerels Natural Habitat, Violet tries to help her older sister with a natural science project. Her sister tells Violet she doesnt want help, so Violet finds a ladybug in the garden and tries to create a habitat for it in a jar, feeding it cheese toast. The result is disastrous. Violet, along with her older sister, then create a project about the life-cycle of insects without removing any more of them from their habitats, and Violet learns how important it is for animals to be in their natural surroundings. I think this book could enhance or extend the learning of Stripes of All Types because students will have already had a discussion about animal habitats. Violet Mackerel can further discussion about what happens when humans take animals out of their habitats. This can also lead to discussion about how the zoo works to recreate animals natural habitats through studying the animals and figuring out what is best for them.3) Text Structure - I believe the text structure of Stripes of All Types is a combination of description an comparison/contrast. The book gives children information about each animal and where it lives, while the illustrations show the details of each animals stripes. It also shows that all of these animals are alike - they all have stripes - but that their stripes serve different purposes. 4) Strategy Application - I think after reading both books, students could use the text feature in the back of Stripes of All Types where each animal and its habitat is described and choose one. Then, using a Venn Diagram, they could compare and contrast the animals characteristics and habitat to Violets ladybug.
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