Help! tell plz as Strange Battles of the Civil War by Webb Garrison Jr. pocket touch review download kindle

Help! tell plz as Strange Battles of the Civil War by Webb Garrison Jr. pocket touch review download kindle

Help! tell plz as Strange Battles of the Civil War by Webb Garrison Jr. pocket touch review download kindle

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Book description

Book description
One of the strangest things about this book is the author, and how he was selected. His father, Webb Garrison, was a longtime writer in the field of history, specializing in books that were overviews and anecdotes. When his health failed and it became clear that he might not finish the book he was working on at the time, the family and the publishing company seem to have decided to have Junior complete the book, so the name would be similar. While this might have been deceptive advertising, I didnt see any major drop-off in quality from the fathers work, even though the father only completed about 1/4 of this book.For anyone heavily-read on the Civil War, only a few chapters will provide anything new. Also, theres a little bit of editorializing in a few cases. Still, the text is readable and interesting, and provides a starting point for readers new to the topic in that chapter.
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