Help! tell plz as Sleepy Time Olie by William Joyce (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

Help! tell plz as Sleepy Time Olie by William Joyce (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

Help! tell plz as Sleepy Time Olie by William Joyce (Goodreads Author) online iBooks prewiew german touch

> READ BOOK > Sure Thing

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Book description
This would be a great play if a few lines here and there were edited (which is what I do for our in-class reading of it each year). Its a clever idea somewhat ahead of its time, predating Whose Line is it Anyway? by a few years. When kids learn when it was written, they are often surprised, since it has a Postmodern feel/approach to it, without being pessimistic - they usually think it is from the 2000s. This has resonated more with my students in recent years since we added The Sound and the Fury to the Honors reading list. I usually play the part of the bell (using a real front desk bell) in recent years, in memory of a former student who actually read the part of the bell and has passed away. Even with a few lines edited it still causes a variety of reactions from the students, mostly positive, once they figure out what is going on. Its not a play we rehearse, really, just one we pick up and read using some edited scripts. That spontaneity usually helps more than it hinders, though once in a while a key line will get flubbed - thats the price we pay for freshness. Its a nice little work.
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