Help! tell plz as Slave For Rent by Samantha Cayto book offline look eng audio

Help! tell plz as Slave For Rent by Samantha Cayto book offline look eng audio

Help! tell plz as Slave For Rent by Samantha Cayto book offline look eng audio

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Book description
Danny has lived his entire eighteen years as a slave of the Tanner family. Coddled as a house slave during childhood, then sent to work in the family lumberyard, he’s happy and counts himself a lucky slave. The one thing he dreams of that’s missing in his life is someone to love. In his deepest fantasies, he imagines being the devoted pleasure slave of an indulgent master. Paul Graham has built a successful construction company. His business leaves him little time for a social life, but a pretty slave boy at a lumber company has caught his attention. Middle class guys like him usually can’t afford the luxury of a pleasure slave. Yet, he can’t stop thinking of buying Danny for his very own and finally gives into his desire. Danny’s protective master refuses to sell Danny outright, but he’s willing to rent Danny to Paul on the weekends on a trial basis-so long as Danny agrees. The chance to be a man’s pleasure slave even part-time is too exciting for Danny to resist. Besides, Master Graham is hot, just the kind of man that appeals to the young slave. A doting and patient Paul sets out to teach Danny the pleasure that can be had between two men. Danny is eager to learn the lessons, except that a dark secret he keeps hidden threatens to ruin their budding relationship. Worse, there is another man who covets Danny, and he’ll stop at nothing to possess him.
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