Help! tell plz as Silver Brumby Whirlwind by Elyne Mitchell reader read page writer djvu

Help! tell plz as Silver Brumby Whirlwind by Elyne Mitchell reader read page writer djvu

Help! tell plz as Silver Brumby Whirlwind by Elyne Mitchell reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
Almost at the end of the Silver Brumby books. In this one, Thowra experiences a sudden urge to travel into a far off country where he has never been before. There he spots Yuri, a filly of moonlight and sunlight, dancing on a cliff top. She disappears into the cave system and he has to overcome his fear of the dark places to find her. He spends a summer with her, dancing and playing, protecting her from the two grey stallions that want her for their own, but soon the snow calls him back to his own country, but has he left it too late?Another well written book, where the equine characters leap from the pages. Like the first book, this has a rather ambiguous ending, which makes me almost nervous to pick up the next one. I like happy endings where animals are concerned and Im not sure Im going to get it.
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