Help! tell plz as Shinobi Life, Vol. 04 by Shoko Conami mobi ibooks ipad

Help! tell plz as Shinobi Life, Vol. 04 by Shoko Conami mobi ibooks ipad

Help! tell plz as Shinobi Life, Vol. 04 by Shoko Conami mobi ibooks ipad

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Book description
Hunky heroes, time-traveling ninjas, and a great escape... Its all inside the next hot volume of Shinobi Life!...When Hitaki and Iwatsuru try to abduct Beni, Kagetora saves her and threatens the two of them if they ever harm Beni again. Realizing the danger that Beni is in, Kagetora tells Benis father that he will no longer listen to his orders, and instead he will serve Beni alone. Outraged, Benis father fires Kagetora, and this spurs Kagetora to run away from the house--taking Beni with him!
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