Help! tell plz as Seduction of the Phoenix by Michelle M. Pillow (Goodreads Author) txt online

Help! tell plz as Seduction of the Phoenix by Michelle M. Pillow (Goodreads Author) txt online

Help! tell plz as Seduction of the Phoenix by Michelle M. Pillow (Goodreads Author) txt online

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Book description
Zhang Dynasty 1: Seduction of the PhoenixFuturistic, Multicultural RomanceFuturistic RomancePart of the Dragon Lords Series Universe of BooksA prince raised in honor and tradition, a woman raised with nothing at all. She wants to steal their most sacred treasure. Hell do anything to protect it, even if it means marrying a thief.Prince Zhang Jin is a man raised in honor and tradition, so it is a great surprise when he is compelled to claim a stranger as his bride who has neither. Francesca La Rosa is hardly a match fit for a prince. Though beautiful, she is a thief with one thing on her mind--stealing the sacred Jade Phoenix of his people. But the mystery doesnt end there. With the aid of the spirits of his ancestors he must discover who this woman is, why she would destroy the Zhang Empire and most of all, if she could ever return the love that is growing in his heart.This novel contains adult content. Mustbe 18 years or older to read.
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