Help! tell plz as Riding Steele: Kidnapped by Opal Carew (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows download

Help! tell plz as Riding Steele: Kidnapped by Opal Carew (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows download

Help! tell plz as Riding Steele: Kidnapped by Opal Carew (Goodreads Author) eReader itunes view windows download

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Book description
Being kidnapped by bikers is a harrowing experience, but for some reason, Laurie doesn’t feel as terrified as she should. The leader’s steely eyes soften when he looks at her, and the others in his gang clearly know she’s hands off. But does that include Steeles hands? Her brain resists him, but her body insists she wants those big hands all over her.Steele doesn’t know how he wound up in this mess–with a kidnapped woman on his hands and the police hot on their trail. Now he and Laurie are in hiding at an isolated cabin, and Steele has to figure out how to extricate himself . . . and steer clear of his accidental captive whose tight, slinky clubbing attire is making him think all kinds of dangerous thoughts…
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