Help! tell plz as Revolt of the Battle Droids by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) pocket touch review download kindle

Help! tell plz as Revolt of the Battle Droids by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) pocket touch review download kindle

Help! tell plz as Revolt of the Battle Droids by Ryder Windham (Goodreads Author) pocket touch review download kindle

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Book description
Ryder Windham is an American sci-fi author who has written over sixty Star Wars books, including novels, comics, reference books, and so on. He has also written junior novelizations for Indiana Jones movies. Since 1993, he has been working on Star Wars projects either by himself or with other authors. His reference book Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide had been on the New York Times Best Seller list for three weeks in 2005. Although he has written lots of books, accepted interviews, and appeared at several fan-conventions, little is known about his personal life.
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