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Help! tell plz as Reflecting God by Kay Nolte Smith fb2 ibooks ipad

Help! tell plz as Reflecting God by Kay Nolte Smith fb2 ibooks ipad

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Book description
Who do you look like? As we look at Christian women today, we see many who know nothing about the abundant life Jesus came to bring them. And because of this, life is less satisfying, less fulfilling, less joyful, and less God-honoring than it should be. Kay Smith encourages you to further the journey that began in her first book, Pleasing God, as she teaches the godly attributes necessary to reflect the very image of God. Discover how the woman who reflects God knows: She is loved, and in turn loves other Who she belongs to, and attracts others to Jesus A spiritual battle is raging, and intercedes for those entrusted to her Her position in this dark world, and holds out a light to the lost. As Kay Smith shows you God s attributes, you will begin to have the mind of Christ. And as this starts to happen within you outwardly, you become a reflection of God to a world that desperately needs Him As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness. Psalm 17:15
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