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Help! tell plz as Race to Dakar by Charley Boorman txt full version tom free direct link

Help! tell plz as Race to Dakar by Charley Boorman txt full version tom free direct link

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Book description
In January 2006, 230 people raced in trucks, cars, and motorbikes from Lisbon to Dakar in the 28th annual Dakar rally—the most challenging race in existence. Taking part was a team of three bikers—Matt Hall, Simon Pavey, and actor and bike nut Charley Boorman. After his celebrated trip round the world with Ewan McGregor, documented in Long Way Round, Charley was keen for another challenge. Racing in the Dakar had always been a dream of his, and so it was the obvious choice for a new adventure. Supported by Australian champion biker Simon Pavey and experienced British biker Matt Hall, Charley attempted to do what many professional bikers have failed to do—to successfully compete in the Dakar rally. His book details his extraordinary adventures and those of his fellow bikers, and also explores the history of this most dramatic and romantic of races. From Portugal through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, and Senegal, it also provides a unique look at the countries hosting the rally. It is an exhilarating and fitting sequel to Long Way Round.
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