Help! tell plz as Puzzlebook 104 Puzzle Quizzes by The Grabarchuk Family txt ibooks

Help! tell plz as Puzzlebook 104 Puzzle Quizzes by The Grabarchuk Family txt ibooks

Help! tell plz as Puzzlebook 104 Puzzle Quizzes by The Grabarchuk Family txt ibooks

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Book description
Another great set of kindle puzzles from Grabarchuk,104 Puzzle Quizzes is beautifully designed, addictively soluble, and, as always, fun. The rules are simple and easy to follow. Each puzzle is represented by a well-drawn icon on the contents page. And everything gets harder as the pages go on.Things I loved—the icons representing the puzzles are pleasantly intriguing; the answer buttons are easy to use with navigation to the next puzzle happening fairly automatically; and the puzzles are fun—an enjoyable mix of types and style to keep the brain in gear, with multiple-choice access to solutions to keep the brain from frying (its easy to cheat!).Things I might have liked—easier access to the contents page through the menu (this might just have been a problem with my kindle); a rating system visible with the icons so I could deliberately choose a four star puzzle from the contents page; and a way to keep a record of which puzzles I’d solved.My verdict—another great collection; thank you Grabarchuk!Disclosure: I received a free ecopy of these puzzles in exchange for my honest review.
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