Help! tell plz as Protecting His Pregnant Mate by Marcy Jacks (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

Help! tell plz as Protecting His Pregnant Mate by Marcy Jacks (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

Help! tell plz as Protecting His Pregnant Mate by Marcy Jacks (Goodreads Author) information bookstore phone book eng

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Book description
Alpha Luna Brian’s world changed forever when he pulled himself away from the hunters, the people he thought were his friends. Learning they were the ones who killed his family and manipulated him his entire life would have destroyed him had his mate, Eddie, not been there to hold him together before he could shatter.Eddie is not used to any of this. Hes a human, and yet, being with a shifter has done something to his body, and that something is growing bigger inside him every day. Hes had to drop out of school, can no longer work, and when a hunter breaks into the house to try to kill him, he doesnt know how much more he can take.A dire warning from the future will prove whether their mating was a fatal mistake, one that could separate Brian and Eddie forever.
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