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Help! tell plz as Penance by Ann Mayburn (Goodreads Author) djvu price torrent apple online

Help! tell plz as Penance by Ann Mayburn (Goodreads Author) djvu price torrent apple online

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Book description
When Wyatt and Michelle leave for Chicago to attend the wedding of an old friend of Michelle’s, and Wyatt has no idea how close his beloved Domina is to the edge. Michelle has been trying to ignore her own issues, focused on helping Wyatt with his PTSD, but the past refuses to stay buried and she soon finds herself spiraling out of control. More determined than ever to protect Wyatt from herself, Michelle tries to pretend everything is perfect with devastating results. Wyatt can see that Michelle is losing it, but he doesn’t know how to help her when she refuses to admit there’s a problem. No longer able to deal with the pressure of pretending to be perfect, Michelle self-destructs. Wyatt is now faced with a bitter choice - leave the woman who owns his heart or start a long and arduous journey to rescue the other half of his soul from her own personal Hell. Penance is the conclusion of Michelle and Wyatt’s tale of hope, loss, healing, and most of all forgiveness and unconditional love. ***This is the second book in a two book series. It is HIGHLY recommended that you read Still before you read Penance as this is basically one giant book split into two.****
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