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Book description
Karl Krause, John Simon and Paul Fussell, among others, have long been concerned about the decline of language. The more oonspíratorial minded believe it’s a deliberate attempt at mind control. To quote John Simon: The worst part of it is that there are all these pseudophilosophioal and political justifications for the deterioration [of languagel. Now if terrible grammar is used, it’s justified by liberal or leftist politics: it’s everybody’s political right to speak as abominably as he or she wishes. There’s an organized pull towards undermining the language whether it’s by feminists, homosexuals, or some ethnic minority whose attempts to undermine English are considered their God­given or state-given right. Im for using language imaginatívely, but imaginatively does not mean incorrectly. In fact, it’s very easy to be imaginative if you are incorrect: If you tie your necktie around your knee instead of around your neck, you are imaginative, but you are imaginative in an ímbeoile way.
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