Help! tell plz as Out of the Depths by William L. Biersach iphone value francais audio book

Help! tell plz as Out of the Depths by William L. Biersach iphone value francais audio book

Help! tell plz as Out of the Depths by William L. Biersach iphone value francais audio book

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Book description
Its happening again! Los Angeles, the City of Angels, is once more besieged by the bizarre and the strange! A fresh but unidentified corpse, dressed as a priest, turns up in a niche in a mausoleum, while a trusted assistant of the Cardinal is kidnapped, and two precious objects disappear with him. The police are baffled, and obviously, only one man can bring order to chaos and solve the affair: Fr. John Baptist. Together with his trusty gardener, Martin Feeney, their gallant, well-dressed, and often inebriate friends, the Knights Tumblar, and an eclectic supporting cast of cranks, street people, and, of course, the police, Fr. Baptist, having faced down witches, vampires, and grave-robbers, will take on mystery that truly emerges OUT OF THE DEPTHS! As in the cop-turned-priest-turned detectives previous outings, in this book good and evil are intertwined yet always at war, the preternatural may be no further than your living room, and you yourself may be casually living in the strangest of tales. A welcome return of one who is rapidly becoming one of modern Americas best loved fictional sleuths.
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