Help! tell plz as Orwells Luck by Richard W. Jennings german online english format offline

Help! tell plz as Orwells Luck by Richard W. Jennings german online english format offline

Help! tell plz as Orwells Luck by Richard W. Jennings german online english format offline

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Book description
When a wounded wild rabbit is found in the front yard, he is given a good home and a memorable name by a twelve-year-old with a liking for basketball, the trombone, and the newspaper’s daily horoscope. But Orwell is no ordinary rabbit. It soon seems that he is attempting to reward his young caretaker by mysteriously sending coded messages in the form of predictions: the final score of the Super Bowl, advance notice of a pop quiz at school, tomorrow’s winning lottery number! Can this little rabbit foretell the future? Can Orwell actually make luck happen? Here is a magical and heartwarming story about kindness, friendship, and hope in the shadow of fortune’s ever-turning wheel.
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