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A question asked out into the ether:Is a book review truly a book review if all you do is babble on about how you want to friend marry all the primary dudes of this story?Will trade a review of this volume for an answer.-Edit: i promised a review and i am a lady of my word! LETS TALK ABOUT HOT DUDESso the great thing about this volume is how its all about mafuyu making friends with awesome people! (like every volume of oresama teacher is? well yes, but these ones were REALLY awesome. also its one of the funniest volumes yet SO. dont you try to derail me with your technically true points!)dude the first! reito ayabe. why is aya-bean great you ask? BECAUSE HE COOKS AND CLEANS. :D no seriously, he grew up with like seven siblings so he gained the power of RESPONSIBLE HUMANHOOD. its really great, i kind of wish i could grab him to be my roommate in grad school next year because i have deep concerns im going to end up living in a pile of books surviving solely on pasta. also he totally does the tsundere thing and its adorable. (◕‿◕✿)dude the second! aki shibuya! a womanizer who sets off a rash of breakups across campus and tells all the angry ex-boyfriends mafuyu is his boss and to take it up with her!but wait you say. that doesnt really sound great at all? he sounds like a jerk?i shared your concerns! but then the text answered the imperative question: how exactly was he getting all these girls to break up with their boyfriends? and it turns out the answer is not hes a player like that and more that hes really considerate and appreciative to all the girls he meets? and thatll lead to situations like one girl being like ...this complete stranger i just met is more appreciative of my work as the soccer team manager than my actual boyfriend on the team. I THINK IT IS TIME TO REASSESS MY DATING CHOICESsuckas shoulda been nicer to their girls when they had the chancemy only objection this volume is that i havent worked out how to deal with my friendship feelings yet. :l like when i ship a couple its easy, i basically just yell at them to kiss a lot! continue being friends! does not have the same ring to it. V_V suggestions, as always, are appreciated. 5 stars
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