Help! tell plz as Online Collaborative Learning: Theory And Practice by Tim S. Roberts (Editor) get german sale download selling

Help! tell plz as Online Collaborative Learning: Theory And Practice by Tim S. Roberts (Editor) get german sale download selling

Help! tell plz as Online Collaborative Learning: Theory And Practice by Tim S. Roberts (Editor) get german sale download selling

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Book description
Online Collaborative Learning: Theory and Practice provides a resource for researchers and practitioners in the area of online collaborative learning (also known as CSCL, computer-supported collaborative learning), particularly those working within a tertiary education environment. It includes articles of relevance to those interested in both theory and practice in this area. It attempts to answer such important current questions as: how can groups with shared goals work collaboratively using the new technologies? What problems can be expected, and what are the benefits? In what ways does online group work differ from face-to-face group work? And what implications are there for both educators and students seeking to work in this area?
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