Help! tell plz as One Perfect Op: Navy SEAL Special Warfare Teams by Dennis Chalker tablet access book sale value

Help! tell plz as One Perfect Op: Navy SEAL Special Warfare Teams by Dennis Chalker tablet access book sale value

Help! tell plz as One Perfect Op: Navy SEAL Special Warfare Teams by Dennis Chalker tablet access book sale value

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Book description
America’s most elite commando unit, the US Navy SEAL Team Six pulled off one of the most remarkable covert operations in military history when they infiltrated the secret hideout of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in the dead of night and killed the hated terrorist mastermind. Dennis Chalker was an original “plankowner” (founding member) of SEAL Team Six, and in One Perfect Op, he takes readers deep inside the remarkable world of America’s Special Forces operatives. With an introduction by Richard Marcinko of Rogue Warrior fame, One Perfect Op describes, step by breathtaking step, one extraordinary SEALs mission, shedding fascinating new light on the training, the planning, the courage and the skill of these exceptional warriors.
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