Help! tell plz as On the Other Side: Letters to my Children from Germany 1940-46 by Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg free android audio selling djvu

Help! tell plz as On the Other Side: Letters to my Children from Germany 1940-46 by Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg free android audio selling djvu

Help! tell plz as On the Other Side: Letters to my Children from Germany 1940-46 by Mathilde Wolff-Mönckeberg free android audio

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Book description

Book description
On The Other Side are letters written (but never posted) by a 60 year-old woman, to her children living abroad, about the experience of living in Hamburg during the war. Discovered in a drawer in the 1970s, they were translated by her daughter, the late Ruth Evans, and first published in England and Germany in 1979. They were serialised on Womans Hour and in the Observer and a television documentary about the book, with Margaret Tyzack acting Tilli and many original newsreel shots of a devastated Hamburg, was shown in the autumn of 1979. Tilli Wolff-Monckeberg was the daughter of a lawyer who later became Lord Mayor. She was intelligent and well-educated but married very young and had five children. Unusually for the time, she and her husband separated during the First World War and Tilli returned to Hamburg, did some translating and took in lodgers. In 1925 she married a Professor of English who later became Rector of Hamburg University. By the time the letters begin, therefore, in October 1940, her personal life is slightly complicated, with her children living in farflung places her youngest daughter Ruth is living in Wales and her Hamburg relations are slightly disapproving of her unconventional personal life.They would have been even more disapproving if they had known that Tilli was keeping what was in effect a diary: the discovery of the letters would certainly have resulted in her and her husbands arrest. In the first one she writes, about the events leading up to the war, that the German people were led to believe that they had been wantonly attacked but in truth this whole campaign had been planned long ago, the Fuhrers blind lust for conquest, his megalomania being the driving force. She adds, for me nothing was more devastating than the fact that nobody...stood up against this, but remained passive and weak.But On The Other Side is not a political book. Instead it is an evocation of daily life in Hamburg during the war years and immediately afterwards (the months after May 1945 make up a third of the book, partly because it was easier to write without the constant threat of bombing and partly because there was no danger in writing). If you want to know what it was like to be a civilian in wartime Germany you must read this marvellous book wrote Timothy Garton Ash in the Spectator in 1979, going on to add: The letters document the terrible suffering caused to the German civil population by Allied bombing. It is difficult to read these pages without feeling that this kind of bombing was worse than a mistake (the issues covered in the Afterword). However, this is not a harrowing book, it is gentle and domestic, human and humane - and Tilli did survive.
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