Help! tell plz as On the New Testament by Mark Driscoll ebay spanish ebook book page

Help! tell plz as On the New Testament by Mark Driscoll ebay spanish ebook book page

Help! tell plz as On the New Testament by Mark Driscoll ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
Packed with big truth, this little book on the New Testament can be read in roughly one hour, making it a book youll actually read. Mark Driscoll, one of Americas most influential pastors, answers the nine most common questions about the New Testament-questions about authorship, different translations, trustworthiness of the Scriptures, and more-and gives an overview of the various kinds of New Testament literature. Two appendices include a comprehensive list of further resources and a checklist for reading through the entire New Testament.On the New Testament is part of a series of inexpensive and accessible books that give clear, biblical answers to difficult theological questions and controversies. Through this series readers will get a solid and simple introduction to the Bible by investing just a little time.
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