Help! tell plz as Now You Die by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

Help! tell plz as Now You Die by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

Help! tell plz as Now You Die by Roxanne St. Claire (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

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Book description
Former Bullet Catcher and lone wolf investigator Jack Culver is on a mission. Thirty years ago, an innocent woman was convicted of murder. Jack believes hes found the real killer -- but to take down one of the highest legal authorities in the land, he needs access. Serious access. Unfortunately, the one person he knows with that kind of power is his ex-boss and ex-lover, the woman who still haunts his dreams. Bullet Catchers owner Lucy Sharpe realizes shes being used for her connections, and she intends to use Jack Culver right back. Shes determined to see justice served, even if that means partnering with the man who once found his way past her iron shields. This time, shell be strong enough to avoid Jacks persuasive touch. But when passion flares, and they become the killers target, Lucy and Jack dont just break some rules -- they shatter them. And that means risking everything: their jobs, their hearts...and their lives.
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