Help! tell plz as Mosaic Applique [With 10 Gorgeous Patterns, 3 Pull-Out Pattern Sheets] by Lorraine Carthew pocket iphone book free get

Help! tell plz as Mosaic Applique [With 10 Gorgeous Patterns, 3 Pull-Out Pattern Sheets] by Lorraine Carthew pocket iphone book free get

Help! tell plz as Mosaic Applique [With 10 Gorgeous Patterns, 3 Pull-Out Pattern Sheets] by Lorraine Carthew pocket iphone book

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Book description
It s easy to fit pieces perfectly with this unique applique method. From Down Under, Australian designer Lorraine Carthew introduces readers to a new, free-wheeling technique, making applique even easier and more fun to do than ever. Lorraine s mosaic tile designs fool the eye and create quilted beauties. Simply draw the pattern and fill in with mosaic tiles. The background then becomes the grout between the tiles. The author provides half a dozen beautiful mosaic patterns on three large pullout sheets for quilters to make. Among them are a cat, parrot, butterfly, dragonfly, florals, and more. Also included are instructions for selecting fabrics and quilting designs for mosaic quilts, along with a refresher on both needle-turn and raw-edge applique stitching. Lorraine s background is in fashion and design. She has been producing prize-winning quilts for ten years. Among her many awards are three Best of Show, Best Use of Color, and Viewers Choice. She has written several magazine articles and her work has been extensively published.
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