Help! tell plz as Left Behind by T.S. Welti (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

Help! tell plz as Left Behind by T.S. Welti (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

Help! tell plz as Left Behind by T.S. Welti (Goodreads Author) download text story epub sale

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Book description
When the environment is ravaged by rising sea levels and monstrous storms, America is divided and survival becomes more precious than love.After a harrowing rescue and escape, Nada sets off to rescue Isaac from the prison where she was forced to abandon him. During this long journey, Nada’s feelings for Daedric intensify… until they discover Isaac roaming the mountains north of the Salton Sea–and he’s not alone. Isaac is accompanied by a mysterious and beautiful girl, a fellow prisoner who was also set free by the Guardians. Nada is conflicted about how she will fit into their tribe, and how she factors into Isaacs past. Meanwhile, Isaac must decide whether to ditch everyone for their own good or stay true to his promise to Nada to never give up.This is a post-apocalyptic novella.
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