Help! tell plz as Karen by Alexander Lange Kielland how read download free value cheap

Help! tell plz as Karen by Alexander Lange Kielland how read download free value cheap

Help! tell plz as Karen by Alexander Lange Kielland how read download free value cheap

> READ BOOK > Karen



Book description

Book description
Alexander Lange Kielland was one of the most famous Norwegian realistic writers of the 19th century. He is one of the so-called Four Greats of Norwegian literature, along with Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson and Jonas Lie.Despite being born wealthy, he had a sincere affection for the less fortunate, treating his workers well when he was a factory owner. He remained a spokesman for the weak and a critic of society throughout his time as a writer. His best known plays were the satirical comedies Tre Par (1886) and Professoren (1888). He was also well known for his short stories.Among his most famous works are the novels Gift (1883), Skipper Worse (1882) and Garman & Worse (1880). Gift (published in English as Poison ) is the first of a trilogy including Fortuna (1884) and St. Hans Fest (1887). In this trilogy, Kielland satirizes the hypocrisy of Norways clergy. In Gift, Kielland debates the preference for Latin that Norwegian teachers had during his time. [wikipedia]
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