Help! tell plz as JSA, Vol. 2: Darkness Falls by David S. Goyer (Writer) book mobi online

Help! tell plz as JSA, Vol. 2: Darkness Falls by David S. Goyer (Writer) book mobi online

Help! tell plz as JSA, Vol. 2: Darkness Falls by David S. Goyer (Writer) book mobi online

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Book description

Book description
Darkness Falls shows the JSA called upon once again to save the planet from malevolent forces that threaten the very fiber of the universe! But this time its personal, as the foe they are fighting is a darkness-consumed Obsidian, son of Alan Scott, Sentinel. If that werent enough, the original super-team also must confront the return of the Injustice Society and face the time-shattering threat of Extant, who killed several members of the original Justice Society in a previous battle. This paperback is co-written by David Goyer, screenwriter of the films Dark City and Blade.Collecting: JSA 6-15
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