Help! tell plz as Inventing Witchcraft: A Case Study in the Creation of a New Religion by Aiden Kelly read txt on iphone

Help! tell plz as Inventing Witchcraft: A Case Study in the Creation of a New Religion by Aiden Kelly read txt on iphone

Help! tell plz as Inventing Witchcraft: A Case Study in the Creation of a New Religion by Aiden Kelly read txt on iphone

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Book description
When the first edition of this book was released, conservative Gardnerian Witches attempted to suppress it, claiming that it discredited their religion. Dr. Aidan A. Kelly has thoroughly investigated the history, rituals, and documents behind the evolution of modern Witchcraft, and has concluded that Gerald Gardner invented Wicca as a new religion. Although Wicca claims to be a persecuted pagan religion dating from before the rise of Christianity, it draws upon controversial historical sources, modern occult practices, including those of Alistair Crowley and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 19th century translations of medieval grimoires, and the poetry of Gardners priestess, Doreen Valiente.This extensively revised edition contains new research which was unavailable at the time, as well as detailed textual comparisons of Gerald Gardners own manuscripts, magical books, and rituals that could not be included in the earlier edition.
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