Help! tell plz as Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by David S. Moore eng original free access value

Help! tell plz as Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by David S. Moore eng original free access value

Help! tell plz as Introduction to the Practice of Statistics by David S. Moore eng original free access value

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Book description
With a focus on data analysis, statistical reasoning, and the way statisticians actually work, IPS has helped to revolutionize the way statistics are taught and brings critical thinking and practical applications to your course.Revised for more learner-friendly progression, the 7th edition includes 30% new exercises, including international examples such as Facebook usage trends outside the USA. What this book offers students: * Focuses on data analysis and practical applications, showing the way statisticians actually work. * Fosters statistical reasoning and decision-making skills, not just calculation drills, through a focus on problem-solving practice. * Presents contemporary real data in real contexts, making the numbers and why we analyse them meaningful. * Includes examples from many interesting disciplines (from psychology to medicine and business) to give relevance to the material covered.
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