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When I first saw this book, I thought to myself, What a waste. Its one of those silly quote books, with at most a paragraph a page. Harumph. Yet once I was half-way through, I found myself thinking, Every kid needs to know these things, preferably with as little pain as possible. This book is that painless means by which one may inform them, gently, of the inherent unfairness and occasional joys of life. By the time I was finished, I wished I could hop into a time machine, travel back in time, and hand my younger, now-terrified, -confused, and -somewhat disappointed self this book with instructions to read it and take its wisdom to heart, in spite of it being one of those quote-a-page books. Of course, once she did, this current self would disappear, to be replaced by a less-emotionally-scarred version, one who would not necessarily be motivated to find the time machine and hand her younger self this book, so that her younger self never reads it, so that unscarred-me never exists, yet I come into being, read this book, jump back in time to give it to my younger self, and continue this looping series of paradoxes which eventually lead to the destruction of the very fabric of space and time itself.In spite of the dangers to the universe this book has potential to create, I still give it five stars, with a caveat not to use a time machine to enlighten your younger self less painfully.This book shall enlighten young and the not-quite-so-young, lead the old to nod their heads sagely in amused familiarity, and the no-longer-young-anymore shall be somewhere in between on the spectrum of enlightened and sage nodding, as they are somewhere in between on the spectrum of young and old. It is this last group who, I fear, shall be the ones who destroy the universe with their time machine shenanigans after reading this book. Keep an eye on them.
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