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What. The actual. Fuck. Whoever did this needs to have their pencils and paper taken away forever. Not only was I subjected to the OTT hilarity that is Rob Liefelds artistic vision for half the series, but I was subjected to one of the worst story lines I have ever read in comic books. How...why...WHAT EVEN HAPPENED HERE. I think the best part of this book was when the President told Nick Fury that he heard Steve Rogers gave birth to a son before he disappeared. Yes, the President of the United States said had an mpreg headcanon about Captain America. Go read it if you dont believe me.Speaking of Nick Fury, what the fuck EVEN, bro. Seriously? That character arc was laaaaaaaaaame. That had to be a last minute bid by the writers to save their jobs or something because Ive never seen someone more out of character get that kind of random last minute save in my life. Shame on you all. This is a dark corner of Steve Rogers story that I will be more than happy to forget ever happened.
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