Help! tell plz as Heartland Illusions by Helen Gray epub download free

Help! tell plz as Heartland Illusions by Helen Gray epub download free

Help! tell plz as Heartland Illusions by Helen Gray epub download free

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Book description
Heather Fleming performs as a ventriloquist and works as secretary at her familys theater in Branson, Missouri. When police officer, Gage Cassidy, visits the theater investigating a credit card skimming operation, Heather is attracted in spite of her goal of devoting her life to the business and atonement for failing to change the tires on her car before loaning it to her friend who had an accident in it that left her blind. Determined to solve the fraud case, even if Heather is involved, Gage finds himself caught between his duty and his attraction for the lively blond entertainer.
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