Help! tell plz as Great Stars of the American Stage: A Pictorial Record by Daniel C. Blum sale price value ios online

Help! tell plz as Great Stars of the American Stage: A Pictorial Record by Daniel C. Blum sale price value ios online

Help! tell plz as Great Stars of the American Stage: A Pictorial Record by Daniel C. Blum sale price value ios online

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Book description
A collection of 150 American theatrical stars beginning with Lillian Russell and ending with Joan McCracken. Included for each personality are approximately 8 to 11 small photos and a short bio and on the facing page a full size portrait of the star. Includes such luminaries as George M. Cohan, The Barrymores, Tallulah Bankhead, Lunt & Fontanne, Eva Le Gallienne and Laurette Taylor plus later lights like Alfred Drake, Julie Harris, Marlon Brando and Maureen Stapleton.
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