Help! tell plz as Genie in a Bottle by Sarah Mlynowski (Goodreads Author) itunes get spanish free prewiew

Help! tell plz as Genie in a Bottle by Sarah Mlynowski (Goodreads Author) itunes get spanish free prewiew

Help! tell plz as Genie in a Bottle by Sarah Mlynowski (Goodreads Author) itunes get spanish free prewiew

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Book description
Be careful what you wish for...When my brother, Jonah, and I travel through our mirror into the story of Aladdin, were excited. There will be magic lamps and genies granting wishes. Right?Wrong.The genie we meet isnt QUITE as helpful as we expected. And if Aladdins wishes dont come true, he wont get to marry the princess and live happily ever after!Now we have to:- Escape an enchanted cave- Find forty buckets of jewels- Plan a parade- Learn to fly a magic carpetOtherwise well run out of wishes... and never get home!
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