Help! tell plz as Fighting To Start by S.L. Ziegler (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks ipad

Help! tell plz as Fighting To Start by S.L. Ziegler (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks ipad

Help! tell plz as Fighting To Start by S.L. Ziegler (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks ipad

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Book description
Synopsis:Reed Riker Collins is my story... The beginning, middle, and end.Our love was intense, emotional, and raw, the kind that sticks with you forever. I thought we had it all, the thing that would make us last... Until we didn’t.Reed promised me forever, and I believed him with everything in me. But its never that easy. Without a second thought, Reed left me to follow his own dream of becoming a professional fighter. Five years of going through life without him has left me only drifting through life, never truly living, leaving me more damaged than ever before. But then, Reed walks back into my life when I needed him the most. Will I be able to forget all the pain he caused? Will he be able to heal the emotional wounds his love had left me with?Can I fight to start? Or will I end up forfeiting it all just to make it go away?
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