Help! tell plz as Family - The Ties that Bind...And Gag! by Erma Bombeck torrent finder value tablet free

Help! tell plz as Family - The Ties that Bind...And Gag! by Erma Bombeck torrent finder value tablet free

Help! tell plz as Family - The Ties that Bind...And Gag! by Erma Bombeck torrent finder value tablet free

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Book description
My god. For some reason, I have fond memories of this book from when I was in middle school, so I continued to slog through it now, more in a desperate attempt to understand my past self than out of any hope to find something of quality in this trashy collection.This is a collection of rambling stream-of-consciousness writing for no greater humor than the title. No exaggeration, it reads as a string of mild gags that never builds to anything. The average standup is better tied together than any chapter of this book.But the worst feature is the subject matter. She utilizes every tired stereotype about family life and gender roles, pushing them to a strange exhausted extreme where you wonder if she actually likes being a wife or mother. However, theres certainly nothing that could be considered pushing the envelope, as its all in a veneer of sickly sweet sunday morning cartoons. The final product simply feels like a desperate help letter from someone as passed through Miss Manners.Depressing and almost entirely unfunny, I found myself groanign and frustrated throughout.
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