Help! tell plz as FDRs Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelts Massive Disability - and the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public by Hugh Gregory Gallagher access read find get pc

Help! tell plz as FDRs Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelts Massive Disability - and the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public by Hugh Gregory Gallagher access read find get pc

Help! tell plz as FDRs Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelts Massive Disability - and the Intense Efforts to Conceal

> READ BOOK > FDRs Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelts Massive Disability - and the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public

> ONLINE BOOK > FDRs Splendid Deception: The Moving Story of Roosevelts Massive Disability - and the Intense Efforts to Conceal It from the Public

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Book description

Book description
This moving story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt s massive disability and the intense efforts to conceal it from the public has been widely acknowledged as revising the understanding of Roosevelt s personality and decision making process. It is an intensely personal view of FDR. It traces his developments from the early years, his battle with polio, his fight for rehabilitation, his paralysis and his need to hide it, both in public and in private as well as the impact the paralysis and its cover-up had on his political career, his personality, and his relations with others. Now complete with a detailed account of the FDR Memorial and the struggle by disability advocates to have FDR depicted as he was in his wheelchair. Must reading for everyone interested in presidential history, disability history, and modern American history. A book not to be missed.
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