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Help! tell plz as Dylans Valentine by Carol Davis (Goodreads Author) book txt online

Help! tell plz as Dylans Valentine by Carol Davis (Goodreads Author) book txt online

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Book description
A short, sweet gay romance about finding love where you least expect it to be... College freshman Dylan has said no thanks to finding a boyfriend this year, because his studies are too important. Theres just no time for relationships, a decision his roommate Matt agrees with wholeheartedly. Then their RA announces the Five Nights of Valentines Fest -- a time for the residents of their dorm to creep around and leave little anonymous gifts for the objects of their affection. Most of his dorm mates get candy and cheap little Valentines, but the gifts Dylan receives are surprisingly personal... and he soon discovers that hes been overlooking something thats been right in front of him all along.
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