Help! tell plz as Dressing Your Octopus: A Paper Doll Book for Domesticated Cephalopods by Brian Kesinger epub online

Help! tell plz as Dressing Your Octopus: A Paper Doll Book for Domesticated Cephalopods by Brian Kesinger epub online

Help! tell plz as Dressing Your Octopus: A Paper Doll Book for Domesticated Cephalopods by Brian Kesinger epub online

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Book description
If you long for the simplicity of toys made from paper, and the tactile satisfaction of D.I.Y. scissorsmanship, then you owe it to yourself to indulge in the crafty elegance of this good, old-fashioned collection of Octo-Victorian paper dolls and costumes. Brian Kesingers globetrotting duo of Victoria Prismall and her pet land-octopus Otto were made famous through the wildly popular picture books Walking Your Octopus and Traveling With Your Octopus. With the publication of Dressing Your Octopus, fans and friends of Victoria and Otto will be able to create their own adventures using charming paper figures and a whimsical assortment of elaborate costumes that come bound in a beautifully printed, high quality book. Dressing Your Octopus is a lovely volume that will make a handsome addition to any bookshelf or coffee table; but for those who are willing to wield a pair of scissors and a bit of imagination, it will provide a unique opportunity to create one-of-a-kind, personal adventures! We provide the ink-on-paper; you provide the imaginative storytelling.
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