Help! tell plz as Designed to Fail: Catholic Education in America by Steven L. Kellmeyer buy amazon bookstore download epub

Help! tell plz as Designed to Fail: Catholic Education in America by Steven L. Kellmeyer buy amazon bookstore download epub

Help! tell plz as Designed to Fail: Catholic Education in America by Steven L. Kellmeyer buy amazon bookstore download epub

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Book description
Using the evidence of Magisterial, European and American history, this book analyzes the historical standards the Catholic Church established for education and demonstrates exactly where and when the concept went off the rails in America. But most important, it demonstrates why it went off the rails. You will discover surprising facts concerning the American episcopal hierarchy, and even more surprising facts concerning their enemies. You will learn why school reform never succeeds, how and when the schools began to break down (its not when you think), how the Catholic parochial schools inadvertently fueled the culture of death and you will thereby discover the reason we are where we are today. But best of all, you will see the way out of the morass. Because the analysis of the breakdown is thorough, the solution is much easier to envision. Designed to Fail describes three centuries of knock-down drag-out combat between the Catholic Faith and American culture, but it also shows how Catholics can triumph.
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