Help! tell plz as Deck the Dire Wolves by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) ios tom acquire free audio

Help! tell plz as Deck the Dire Wolves by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) ios tom acquire free audio

Help! tell plz as Deck the Dire Wolves by Stephani Hecht (Goodreads Author) ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
Love is like the flower youve got to let grow-John Lennon. Already reeling from being forced to flee his old home town, the last thing that Dire Wolf Clark needs is to find himself attracted to his new Alpha, Bishop. More surprising, is that Bishop seems to return Clarks feelings. However, Clark has been hurt in the past and the last thing he needs is to find himself in another relationship. So, Clark withdraws and rebuffs Bishop. The last thing Clark expects is for Bishop to continue his chase of the Omega. Will Clark be able to let go and trust again or is he doomed to be alone forever?
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