Help! tell plz as Curious Chemistry by A.C. Wentwood reader free ios torrent prewiew

Help! tell plz as Curious Chemistry by A.C. Wentwood reader free ios torrent prewiew

Help! tell plz as Curious Chemistry by A.C. Wentwood reader free ios torrent prewiew

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Book description
CAUTION: This is a Steamy & Intense Lesbian Romance That Leaves VERY Little To The Imagination. Queenie, curvy, proud, and living out loud is having the time of her life her freshman year of university. She has all of her friends, the love of her professors, and a bevy of beautiful young women who are constantly vying for her attention. The one that catches her eye though is Amanda, her adorably cute and shy roommate who appears, at first, to be straight. However, due to Queenies patience, Amandas curiosity, and the ultimate thrill of college exploration, the two end up in bed together. For a while everything seems to work out until Queenies childhood friend, Kyeisha, decides to throw a wrench into everything. WARNING: Some bonuses contain mature themes and language and are intended for 18+ readers only.
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