Help! tell plz as Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists by Suzette Boon download book free pdf

Help! tell plz as Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists by Suzette Boon download book free pdf

Help! tell plz as Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists by Suzette Boon download

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Book description

Book description
This training manual for patients who have a trauma-related dissociative disorder includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dissociation interferes with essential emotional and life skills, and support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality. Topics include understanding dissociation and PTSD, using inner reflection, emotion regulation, coping with dissociative problems related to triggers and traumatic memories, resolving sleep problems related to dissociation, coping with relational difficulties, and help with many other difficulties with daily life. The manual can be used in individual therapy or structured groups.
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