Help! tell plz as Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson (Editor) pdf online free

Help! tell plz as Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson (Editor) pdf online free

Help! tell plz as Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth by Terry Mortenson (Editor) pdf online

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Book description

Book description
Fourteen different scholars address key topics related to the age of the earth, which is the crucial issue of debate in the church regarding origins (i.e. most old-earth proponents, like young-earth creationists, reject biological evolution). Bringing to bear rigorous scholarly biblical and theological arguments in favor of a young earth, they also address much-needed discussion regarding a number of contemporary interpretations of the book of Genesis. A substantial historical, theological, and exegetical defense of the biblical account of Creation, the book is designed for seminary and Bible college professors and students, ministers, missionaries, and others in ministry work. Chapters in the book include: Forwards by Dr. John MacArthur, President of the Masters Seminary and Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA; and the late Dr. Henry Morris, Founder and President Emeritus, Institute for Creation Research Detailed statistical analysis of the verbs of Genesis A study of the Genesis 5 & 11 genealogies as strict chronology A critique of the Intelligent Design movement Jesus words and teachings - do they address the issue of a young earth?
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