Help! tell plz as Clutch by Drew Elyse (Goodreads Author) english free german bookshop reading

Help! tell plz as Clutch by Drew Elyse (Goodreads Author) english free german bookshop reading

Help! tell plz as Clutch by Drew Elyse (Goodreads Author) english free german bookshop reading

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Book description
Once a Disciple, forever a Disciple.Cami was born into the Savage Disciples MC, but she ventured out to build a life of her own away from the club. She’s engaged now, living a new life despite missing the bikers that raised her. Overall, she’s… fine.Sure, fine. She’s fine with the fiancé who is more interested in position and image than the woman in his life. She’s fine with the fake people around and the suffocating passive aggression. She’s fine with the fact that she is turning to drugs to self-medicate.A Disciple will fight like a savage for what he wants.When Gauge tags along to visit his club brother’s daughter, he can’t believe the two women he meets: the fiery daughter of a biker and the puppet with the blank affect. And yet, they’re both Cami.He sees the fire beneath surface, and he wants to watch it burn. He wants to rip away the man smothering her like a wet blanket. He wants to see the flames consume that cookie-cutter future-wife facade to the ground and dance with her in the flames.When this biker clutches onto a Disciple’s daughter, there is no letting go.
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