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There are tales of dashing knights and blushing ladies, and there are stories of bravery bound to become legend. Then theres the life of a mercenary.Four swords-for-hire -- Giovanni, the supposed magician; Solister, the armored giant; Casic, the virtuous fighter; and Farrbiner, the drunken healer -- try to make their pockets heavy and their grief light. On their way to fame and fortune, or maybe just notoriety, they encounter every twist and turn the criminal underworld can throw at them. In a world full of double-crosses and shady motivations, cant a man just find a warm place to thrust his sword?In Book 4: The Chaste Ring, the mercenaries head to the riverside city of Shelsby where Casic discovershis estranged sister may be in danger. To protect her, he’ll confront foreign magic, dangerous secrets, and his own tragic past.
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