Help! tell plz as Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families, and the State by Nicholas C. Bala (Editor) wiki book find txt online

Help! tell plz as Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families, and the State by Nicholas C. Bala (Editor) wiki book find txt online

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Book description

Book description
Canadian Child Welfare Law: Children, Families, and the State (2nd edition) provides students in social work and law with an introduction to child welfare law. This complex, demanding and important area of law and social work practice receives relatively little attention in professional schools and academic journals. For practicing lawyers and social workers who have not had the opportunity to study child welfare law, this book provides a useful overview of a complex area, as well as serving as a reference work for busy practitioners in the child welfare field. This second edition substantially updates material in the 1991 edition, including consideration of the impact of new legislation and the Charter of Rights. It also includes new chapters on liability issues for child welfare workers and agencies, and on the perspectives of social workers with respect to the legal process. The final chapter offers the personal views of four judges on the challenges that they face in dealing with child welfare cases.
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