Help! tell plz as Born of a Virgin?: Reconceiving Jesus in the Bible, Tradition, and Theology by Andrew Lincoln eng txt store book library

Help! tell plz as Born of a Virgin?: Reconceiving Jesus in the Bible, Tradition, and Theology by Andrew Lincoln eng txt store book library

Help! tell plz as Born of a Virgin?: Reconceiving Jesus in the Bible, Tradition, and Theology by Andrew Lincoln eng txt store book

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Book description

Book description
This book will appeal to those many Christians who struggle with the concept of the virgin birth. Andrew Lincolns Born of a Virgin? begins by discussing why the virgin birth is such a difficult and divisive topic for Christians. The book then deals with a whole range of literary, historical, and hermeneutical issues from a perspective that takes seriously creedal confessions and theological concerns.As part of his exegetical investigation of the New Testament texts, Lincoln considers the literary genre and distinctive characteristics of the birth narratives as ancient biography. Further, he delineates how changes in our views of history and biology decisively affect any traditional understanding of the significance of an actual virgin birth, and he explores what that means for the authority of Scripture and creed, along with implications for Christology and for preaching and teaching from the birth narratives.
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