Help! tell plz as Blind Faith by Claire Thompson (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Help! tell plz as Blind Faith by Claire Thompson (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

Help! tell plz as Blind Faith by Claire Thompson (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
Aidan retreats into a world of quiet determination when a car accident leaves him without his sight. Enter Zane Wilde, an older lover who refuses to let Aidan withdraw into the darkness of his soul. With sexual mastery, Zane pulls Aidan into a new light of touch and sensation, taking the blinded man to new heights of sensual experience.Zane’s wanderlust never lets him stay in one place for long enough to let his heart be captured. He’s unprepared for the passion Aidan brings back into his life, or the choices now facing him. Zane’s wild gypsy blood is simmering, forcing them both to choose in matters of the heart.
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